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Friday, February 11, 2011

The basic principle of capacitors and electric specification

Capacitors are electronic components that can store electrical charges. The structureof a capacitor made of 2 pieces of metal plates separated by a dielectric material. Dielectric materials are commonly known as air vacuum, ceramic,  glass and others.  Ifboth ends of the metal plate was given voltage, the positive charges will accumulate  onone leg (electrode) metal and at the same time the negative charges accumulated  onthe metal edges of one another. The positive charge can not flow toward the negativepole and the opposite end of the negative charge can not be heading back up thepositive pole, because the dielectric material separated by a non-conductive. Electriccharge is "stored" as long as no conduction at the ends of the legs. In the wild, thisphenomenon occurs when the capacitor charges  accumulation of positive  andnegative in cloud.

Figure 1: The basic principle of capacitor


Capacitance is defined as the ability of a capacitor to hold charge of the electron.Coulombs in18th century calculate that 1 coulomb = 6.25 x 1018 electrons . ThenMichael Faraday made postulate that a capacitor will have a capacitance of 1 faradwhen a voltage 1 volt can load as many as 1 electron charge coulombs. With theformula can be written:
Q = CV ... ... ... ... .... (1)
Q = electron charge in C (coulombs)
C = the capacitance in F (farads)
V = the voltage in V (volts)
In practice the manufacture of capacitors, capacitance is calculated by knowing thearea of metal plate (A), distance (t) between the second metal plate (dielectricthickness) and a constant (k) dielectric material. With the formulation can be written asfollows:
C = (8.85 x 10-12) (k A / t) ... (2)

Capacitor Type
The capacitor consists of several types, depending on the dielectric material. For more simple can be divided into 3 parts, namely electrostatic capacitors, electrolytic and electrochemical.

Electrostatic Capacitor 

Electrostatic  capacitors are a group of capacitors that are made with a dielectric material of ceramic, film and mica. Ceramic and mica is a popular material and cheap to make small capacitance capacitors. Quantities available from pF to several UF, which is usually for a series of applications relating to high frequency. Groups including the dielectric film material is a material such as polyester (polyethylene terephthalate, or known as Mylar), polystyrene, polyprophylene, polycarbonate, metalized paper and others. 
Mylar, MSM, MKT are some examples of the trademark name for the capacitor with a dielectric material film. Generally this group of capacitors is the non-polar. 

Electrolytic Capacitors 

Electrolytic capacitor group consisting of the capacitors dielectric materials are metal-oxide layer. Generally capacitor including this group is a polar capacitor with the + and - in the body. Why are these capacitors can have a polarity, is due to the manufacturing process uses electrolysis to form the positive pole anode and cathode negative pole. 
It has long been known for some metals such as tantalum, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, niobium, zirconium and zinc (zinc) surface can be oxidized to form metal-oxide layer (oxide film). Oxidation layer is formed through a process of electrolysis, as in the process of gold plating. Metal electrode is dipped into the solution electrolit (sodium borate) and given a positive voltage (anode) and the solution given electrolit negative voltage (cathode). Oxygen in electrolyte solution apart and mengoksidai metal plate surface. For example, if used Aluminum, it will form a layer of aluminum-oxide (Al2O3) on the surface. 

Figure-2: Principles Elco capacitor

Thus successive metal plate (anode), layer-metal-oxide and the electrolyte (cathode) form a capacitor. In this layer-metal-oxide as the dielectric. From formula (2) great unknown capacitance is inversely proportional to dielectric thickness. Metal-oxide layer is very thin, and thus can be made large enough capacitance capacitors. Due to economical and practical reasons, generally a lot of metal material used is aluminum and tantalum. The material most widely and cheaply is Aluminium. To get a broad surface, Aluminum plate material is usually rolled radially. So in a way that can be obtained large capacitance capacitors. For example 100uF, 470uF, 4700uF and others, which often also called capacitor elco.
Tantalum capacitor electrolyte material in a liquid there but there is also a solid.Called the solid electrolyte, but it is not the solution electrolit its negative electrode, but other materials are manganese-dioxide. Thus this type of capacitors can have large capacitance, but becoming more slender and petite. Also because of all the solid, then their work time (lifetime) to be more durable. Capacitors of this type also has a very small leakage current can be understood why so Tantalum capacitors become relatively expensive.
Electrochemical Capacitors 

One other type of capacitor is an electrochemical capacitor. Including this type of capacitors and batteries are the batteries. In fact the battery and capacitor batteries is very good, because it has a large capacitance and leakage current (leakage current) is very small. This type of capacitors of this type are also still in development to get a large capacitance, but small and light, for example for electric cars and mobile application provider. Reading Capacitance In a large capacitor, the capacitance is generally written with sheer numbers.Complete with a maximum voltage value and polarity. For example, the capacitor capacitance elco clearly written for 22uF/25v. Capacitors are tiny and small physical size is usually only read 2 (two) or 3 (three) numbers only. If there are only two digits unit is pF (pico farads). For example, a capacitor that reads two digits 47, then the capacitance is 47 pF capacitor. If there are 3 digits, the first and second digits indicate the nominal value, while the 3rd digit is multiplier. Multipliers in accordance with nominal rates, respectively 1 = 10, 2 = 100, 3 = 1.000, 4 = 10,000 and so on. For example on ceramic capacitors written 104, the capacitance is 10 x 10,000 = 100.000pF or = 100nF. Another example of such a written 222, meaning that the capacitance of the capacitor is 22 x 100 = 2200 pF = 2.2 nF. Apart from the capacitance there are several other important characteristics that need attention. Normally the specification of these characteristics are presented by the manufacturer in the datasheet. Here are some important specifications. Working voltage (working voltage) Working voltage is the maximum allowable voltage so that the capacitor can still work well. The electro-mania may have had capacitors that exploded due to excess voltage. For example 10uF 25V capacitor, the voltage that can be given should not exceed 25 volts dc. Generally, polar capacitors work on DC voltage and non-polar capacitor works on AC voltage.
Working Temperature 

The capacitor still meets the specifications if the work at the appropriate temperature.Manufacturers generally make capacitors capacitor maker which refers to the popular standard. There are 4 popular standard that is usually listed in the body such as the C0G capacitors (ultra-stable), X7R (stable) as well as Z5U and Y5V (general purpose). The complete code is presented in the following table. 

Table-2: Code of the characteristics of class I capacitor 

Table-3: Code of the characteristics of capacitor grade II and III

As with other components, there are large nominal capacitance tolerance. The above table presents the values of tolerance with codes specific numbers or letters. With theabove table the user can easily know the tolerance of capacitors which usuallyaccompany the printed face value capacitors. For example, if a written 104 X7R, thenkapasitasinya is 100nF with a tolerance of + / -15%. Simultaneously dikethaui alsorecommended that the working temperature is between-55Co to +125 Co. (see tablecharacteristic code)

Insulation Resistance (IR)

Although the dielectric material is a material non-conductors, but there is still a currentthat can pass through. That is, dielectric material also has a resistance. although its value is immense. This phenomenon is called leakage current DCL (DC LeakageCurrent) and the dielectric resistance is called Insulation Resistance (IR). To explainthis, here is the series capacitor model.
Figure-3: Model series capacitor

C = Capacitance
ESR = Equivalent Series Resistance
L = inductance
IR = Insulation Resistance

If not given the expense, should the capacitor can store charge in perpetuity. But from the above model, known to exist resitansi dielectric IR (Insulation Resistance) isparallel to the capacitor. Insulation resistance (IR) is very large (MOhm).Consequently, of course, leakage current (DCL) is very small (UA). To obtain a largecapacitance is required electrode surface area, but this will cause the smaller thedielectric resistance. Because of the IR is always inversely proportional to thecapacitance (C), the characteristics of the dielectric resistance is usually also servedwith the amount of RC (IR x C) that its unit megaohm ohm-farads or micro-farads.

Dissipation Factor (DF) and impedance (Z)

Dissipation Factor is a large percentage losses (losses) capacitance whencapacitors work on the application frequency. Magnitude is a factor to reckon with for example the application phase motors, ballast circuit, tuner and others. From the model described a series capacitor series resistance (ESR) and inductance (L).Manufacturers usually meyertakan DF data in percent. Loss (losses) were defined asthe amount of ES

Figure-4: dissipation factor

From the description above to determine the magnitude of total impedance (Z total)capacitor is:

Figure-5: impedance Z

Frequency response characteristics is taken into account, especially if the capacitorneeds to work at high frequency. To calculate the frequency response of a unit also known as quality factor Q (quality factor) that no other equal to 1/DF.

Posted by Aneuk Kayee

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